
Betty boop halloween party bluray
Betty boop halloween party bluray

He shows up, and after warming himself he assists her in setting up her home. On Halloween a scarecrow finds a printed invitation to Betty's house for a party. This has it's moments as an early Pre-code Betty Boop. It's never a dull cartoon either, and the spirit of Halloween is incredibly well evoked, as well as some welcome humour, even if it is more risqué in other Betty Boop cartoons. The music is both atmospheric and infectious. A lot of it is actually very imaginative as well, some of the most inventive, fantastically surreal and eye-popping of the early Betty Boop cartoons to me. The black and white animation is extremely good, smooth, meticulously detailed and well drawn with the black and white not looking too primitive. However the Halloween atmosphere is great, the visuals help give the cartoon a spookiness and much of it is wonderfully bizarre and deliciously surreal. There are too many characters somewhat, and some are better than others. The party only takes up a very small portion of the cartoon and it's over too soon and is not as memorable as when 'Betty Boop's Halloween Party' becomes spookier and more imaginative. The flaws are few, but as said the title is misleading.

betty boop halloween party bluray

The character of Betty Boop, one of their most famous and prolific characters, may not be for all tastes and sadly not as popular now, but her sex appeal was quite daring for the time and to me there is an adorable sensual charm about her.

betty boop halloween party bluray

Their visual style was often stunning and some of the most imaginative and ahead of its time in animation. Fleischer were responsible for some brilliant cartoons, some of them still among my favourites. This said, it is still a very good cartoon in many ways, despite having a title that can easily mislead people.

betty boop halloween party bluray

'Betty Boop's Halloween Party' may not be one of the best Betty Boop cartoons.

Betty boop halloween party bluray